1. The firm will not be responsible for any side effects, any breakage etc. of the product / service.
2. No Chinese product firm will promote.
3. The payment mode will be through check or bank account, there will be no payment in cash.
4. The validity of the agreement will be at least 11 months.
5. The service provider will have to submit one photocopy of his service registration, 2 passport size photos as well as photocopies of other documents.
6. Bijnor Court will redress any dispute.
7. In case of any negligence, client Complaint, Product Complaint, Service Complaint, the firm can cancel its agreement with the service provider without delay.
8. If any duplication or fraud is found in the deposited docs, then the firm will have full right to cancel the agreement as well as take legal action.
9. Service fees or charges can be taken by the service provider directly from the client in his account or through the firm.
10. If the firm pays income to someone, then it will deduct 10% with PAN card and 20% without PAN card.
11. Complaints of employee misconduct or negligence or any type of wrongdoing will have to be reported to the firm by the service provider, the firm itself will take action against it.
12. The service provider will have to accept all the terms and conditions of the firm and maintain transparency in all things with the firm.
13. Any legal action taken by the client or the firm against the service provider can be taken by the client if the service provider has leaked any compensation, personal issue, leaking personal information or making any kind of interference in the client's personal life. . The firm will not have any responsibility and the firm can also cancel its agreement.
14. If the service provider wishes to cancel the agreement on its own or if there is any dispute or there is a complaint from the client, the agreement, promotion fee charged by the service provider will not be refunded under any circumstances.
15. No anti-social content will be placed on the application or website by the service provider.
16. The firm shall not misuse the personal documents or information provided by the service provider (Pancard, Aadhar card etc.). These are being submitted for information only.
17. The service provider must take the receipt of any payment.
18. Firm activation can be given within 2 days of payment.
19. I (service provider) agree that the firm can place my photos, location on its application and website.
20. I have read all the terms and conditions correctly and I am ready to work with the firm.
The company gives an ID to every customer, if for any reason the company cancels the ID, then there will be no right of any kind on the profit other than the product of the customer.
Main reasons for cancellation of ID: -
1. On any work done in favor of the company, 'Any work which makes a difference to the new business of the company, the ID will be canceled.
2. Applying ID to another competing company.
3. If the ID of a member of your family is employed by working in any other company, the ID will be canceled.
4. ID will be canceled even if the second distributor of the company is instigated or its new ID is placed in its leg.
5. Abusive behavior with management and any kind of threat.
6. ID will be canceled if you have been inactive on your ID continuously for 100 days or you have not given direct new business as prescribed by the company.
For the benefit and betterment of the company, the company has full right over all the benefits stated by the company. The company may change these benefits from time to time.